
Unique Growing Mind Preschool memiliki program tempat penitipan anak yang dapat membantu dalam mengasuh dan mendidik anak dengan memperhatikan aspek perkembangan psikomotor, bahasa, kognitif, sosial dan kemandirian dalam suasana yang ceria, bebas bertanggung jawab dan berlandaskan pada nilai-nilai moral sebagai dasar pembentukan karakter dalam pengembangan kepribadian anak
Pendidikan Karakter
Key learning areas

Develop independent, creative
and critical thinkers

Playground Outdoor

Bermain diluar dengan fasilitas yang sudah disediakan oleh sekolah merupakan cara untuk menstimulus motorik kasar anak yang mengikuti daycare dengan permainan barel tong, perosotan dan ayunan

Fine Motor

Membantu anak agar semakin terlatih motorik halusnya melalui kegiatan membuat prakarya


Membantu anak agar semakin terlatih motorik halusnya melalui kegiatan membuat prakarya

Circle Time

This helps children learn how to function in a group setting ~ that there is a time to talk and a time to listen

Character Building

Membangun karakter yang baik pada anak didik dengan memberikan contoh aktivitas saat daycare.

Physical Education

The main goal for our pre-kindergarten classes is to focus on their basic locomotive skills


Popular questions

Located at the foothills of the beautiful Kemmanagundi mountains and surrounded by rolling farmlands, our entire campus is filled with hundreds of species of ferns, fruits, flowers, plants & trees. We recreated a lush tropical garden so that you and your loved ones can relax & refresh

Located at the foothills of the beautiful Kemmanagundi mountains and surrounded by rolling farmlands, our entire campus is filled with hundreds of species of ferns, fruits, flowers, plants & trees. We recreated a lush tropical garden so that you and your loved ones can relax & refresh

Located at the foothills of the beautiful Kemmanagundi mountains and surrounded by rolling farmlands, our entire campus is filled with hundreds of species of ferns, fruits, flowers, plants & trees. We recreated a lush tropical garden so that you and your loved ones can relax & refresh

Located at the foothills of the beautiful Kemmanagundi mountains and surrounded by rolling farmlands, our entire campus is filled with hundreds of species of ferns, fruits, flowers, plants & trees. We recreated a lush tropical garden so that you and your loved ones can relax & refresh

Located at the foothills of the beautiful Kemmanagundi mountains and surrounded by rolling farmlands, our entire campus is filled with hundreds of species of ferns, fruits, flowers, plants & trees. We recreated a lush tropical garden so that you and your loved ones can relax & refresh

Located at the foothills of the beautiful Kemmanagundi mountains and surrounded by rolling farmlands, our entire campus is filled with hundreds of species of ferns, fruits, flowers, plants & trees. We recreated a lush tropical garden so that you and your loved ones can relax & refresh

Located at the foothills of the beautiful Kemmanagundi mountains and surrounded by rolling farmlands, our entire campus is filled with hundreds of species of ferns, fruits, flowers, plants & trees. We recreated a lush tropical garden so that you and your loved ones can relax & refresh

Located at the foothills of the beautiful Kemmanagundi mountains and surrounded by rolling farmlands, our entire campus is filled with hundreds of species of ferns, fruits, flowers, plants & trees. We recreated a lush tropical garden so that you and your loved ones can relax & refresh

Located at the foothills of the beautiful Kemmanagundi mountains and surrounded by rolling farmlands, our entire campus is filled with hundreds of species of ferns, fruits, flowers, plants & trees. We recreated a lush tropical garden so that you and your loved ones can relax & refresh

Located at the foothills of the beautiful Kemmanagundi mountains and surrounded by rolling farmlands, our entire campus is filled with hundreds of species of ferns, fruits, flowers, plants & trees. We recreated a lush tropical garden so that you and your loved ones can relax & refresh